About Bruno

Learn more about how I developed my love for traveling
Man standing on a rock open arms

Hi Everyone!

My name is Bruno (as if it isn’t obvious enough based on my website’s name 🙂 ) and I love to travel. I was born in Brazil and my family moved to the US when I was six years old. Growing up in Massachusetts, our family’s travels were the typical Florida Disney vacations, cruises to the Caribbean, and visiting family back in Brazil. It wasn’t until college that everything changed. A colleague mentioned to me about his experience studying abroad. Immediately after, I researched everything I could about studying abroad the following year and in the winter of 2013, I was packing my bags and moving across the world to Madrid for the semester. My experience abroad is what lit a flame in my passion for traveling. I realized in short time that there were many places to discover, many different foods to try, many cultures to understand and appreciate, many adventures to be had. Throughout my time abroad, I visited 7 different countries, and several cities within those countries that each had their own attributes and distinctive characteristics. That semester abroad changed my whole perspective in life.

Once I finished school, I knew right away I didn’t want to go into a normal 9-5 job. I started working with my dad in his small business because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life, besides travel. It was the perfect job at the time considering my “boss” was lenient and allowed me to take time off whenever I wanted. To make up for it, I would take care of the business whenever he decided to extend his trips to Brazil. Throughout 2014, I visited different states in the US and made my annual trip to Brazil to visit family.

2015 came along and I had THE ITCH. If you know the ITCH, you know it’s very hard to try and not satisfy it. I knew I wanted adventure so I began planning a Euro-trip. I tried to find friends to go with me, but ultimately decided that this would be my first solo trip. That fall, I visited England, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Germany, and Norway. I was on a budget, so I stayed in hostels, ate street food, and put my feet to work. I met some friends along the way, and made friends in places where I didn’t know anyone. I learned that traveling solo wasn’t so bad, and that being on no ones schedule but your own has many benefits. I wasn’t shy about asking for directions, saying hello to people, and putting myself out there. It was an eye opening experience and I recommend it to anyone, especially the ones who can’t find a friend to travel with, because it will get you out of your comfort zone and give you the opportunity to make new friends.

My love for travel kept growing as I continued to visit new destinations. Fast forward to 2017 when I planned a seven-week trip with my sister to Southeast Asia and Australia. Friends of ours began the journey with us through Thailand, where we jumped around from cities to islands, exploring the beauty the country had to offer. With no plans after Thailand, we booked last minute tickets to different countries throughout Southeast Asia. My now girlfriend, Alexis, (AKA the little blonde traveler) flew all the way from Utah to meet up with us in Indonesia and join us in our escapades. I knew right there and then, she was the one for me ❤️. We visited Malaysia and the Philippines while she was with us and after she trekked back to Utah, my sister and I finished our trip by visiting different cities in Australia, before heading back to Bangkok to fly home. What an experience this trip was.

In 2018, the little blonde traveler and I packed our bags and moved to South Florida to experience living in a different state. I left the job working for my dad and began a new role working as a sales manager for a luxury dealership. It’s been four years since the move and Lex and I have traveled to several destinations since, domestic and abroad. Although I have less time off now, I make the most out of my days off to continue to explore what our world has to offer. Traveling is something I prioritize throughout my life and will continue to do so as time goes on.

Man by the stairs with overlooking view


Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something.

If I could think of one reason why I started Travel With Bruno, it would be to inspire others out there to travel. I believe that travel is an investment in yourself. It allows you to get out of your comfort zone and observe things you would never see or experience staying grounded. As humans, we overwhelm ourselves, overthink different scenarios in our head and never end up going through with certain decisions because they seem too risky or too scary.

The reality is, most of us who do take a leap of faith, somehow work through the challenges and come out with more knowledge and skills than they had before. Travel does just that. Not only do I want to inspire, I want to help people understand that travel is attainable within any scenario. With or without kids, Married, single, with pets, little money, lots of money; it doesn’t matter. Anyone who wants to explore what our world has to offer, can do just that, and I am here to help. Travel With Bruno is your destination for helpful tips, budget traveling, adventurous stories, and inspiration.

Travel With Bruno offers unique, one-of-a-kind perspectives on world and national travel. I want to be your guide to new journeys! You can read the latest pragmatic travel tips to choose the best destination for your next trip. With my travel tips, you’ll find inspiration and learn valuable insight regarding budgeting, planning, and more. After nine years of exploring over 40 countries, I started this blog to share my experiences and information about budgeting, travel planning, and more.

Reading my stories is a delightful adventure because it is as if you live the beauty of the journeys. Find yourself lost in each picture and learn more about a particular destination at Travel With Bruno! I believe in honesty, adventure, and the importance of what other cultures can teach us. Exploring destinations is more than just going for the views; it’s about submerging yourself in a different place and understanding how the people live. My website will bring you unique travel recommendations and reviews to help you decide on your next adventure!

Please subscribe to Travel With Bruno and discover new international travel anecdotes, tips, and more. You can find my original collection of photographs and check out some of the beautiful destinations I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. I encourage you to reach out to me for any travel needs! I specialize in travel consulting for people looking for unique experiences in the most desirable destinations. Please email me at [email protected]. I’m excited to hear from you!